Friday, October 12, 2018

I am back....!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Me Socio

The most difficult part of life is living without a partner. When you decide its time to settle and come out of your man cave you often start imagining who you would end up with. You open that book that was left in the closet for a along time which perfectly describes your attributes. Keeping the demons aside you journey through your pros and cons to identify a perfect match. Yet sometimes a person fails to achieve it, but with you it was not like that.....From the Moment i met you i knew there was something about you that mattered the most to me. You were always your self, never plastic or hid anything from me. And today it has been 3 adventurous years and many more to come. What we both have achieved in the past years many only dream about, we made a perfect family, we traveled to our favorite places and ate what you like the best. In a life long relationship you always learn something new everyday, you always dispute over small petty issues everyday, and you always cherish moments of each other is no life if you are not in a roller coaster.

Happy Anniversary...:) may we together enjoy the adventurous life together with our kids.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Mi Padre

We sometimes take things for granted and we sometimes take things too easy. I always ask myself would I ever be the man you are and the ans always is blurry. You taught us how to hold the string straight even though our hands would shake, you taught us the difference between good and evil even though evil attracts more, you have taught us to live a life with peace, even though you sometime like the power of aggression. Your strength and your valour is my shield, your weakness and your mistakes are my lesson. There is not a single day dedicated to a father, everyday is a fathers day because every day I learn something new from you.

Happy Father's Day Mi Padre!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mi Madre!!

It is always difficult to explain or to express my feelings towards you! I am always short on words when i start to write about you. You taught me how to feel aesthetic even when the world is polluted with power, corruption and hatred.  You always guided me to a righteous path even when i worked with the most notorious people around me! Your prayers have always helped me achieve that goal i seek. But i always fall short on words when i want to thank Allah for your existence. Now that life has taken a different toll your love and prayer are like my morning juice to keep me going through the day. I wish you the very best of Happiness and Love. Sorry for not being in touch with my writing, a little promise ill make for your Birthday. Love from The Three of Us!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gigantes de Europa

12 am 28th May 2011, The timer had started with an exponential growth of the pulse rate. Sleep was like a commodity, food was nothing but a fuel to pass the time. Every second felt like minutes. It felt like all the time in the world had come to an abrupt halt. I had to find distractions or else i would lose every sense possible. Two more hours left and i was travelling in a parallel dimension. Hardly responding to anyone, all eyes on the TV set, every word that came out of the commentators was like news report and then it hit me, a well placed game by the Barca media Puyol will not play instead Macsherano was opted. My heart had sunk, our leader, our mentor, our Titan of Camp Nou was not on the first team. I had to swallow the facts, feel positive and move forward. The moment the players stepped on the field a sense of satisfaction and euphoria rose. I knew today something will happen and my Barca My Team My Soul will take that very step in the books as the worlds greatest performers. And then it all happened as soon as the whistle blew Man U went rampant. They tore through the barca defense with ease, attacking from wings, center, a complete possession play. I could not be more furious with Barca the way every one was maneuvering the ball. Being intercepted, being pressurized and amazingly man marked. I am very sure the First ten minutes for every Man U fan would have been a delight and a comfort that they would lift the cup this glorious evening. Little as they knew it only takes three man to stop all this rampant. The tri-facta Iniesta, Sergio and Xavi all they needed to was study the Man U movement for the first ten minutes to find gaps and then the game was one. With an impressive 67% possession and 120 complete passes with a comparison to Man U who completed only 55 barca were on there way to change the flow of the tide. A strategy i always study, the Barca Philosophy 10 pass and score. And there it was Tri Facta maneuvering the ball with excellent pace, Ferdinand who had Villa perfectly marked unfortunately with great height a disadvantage always exist, Pedro sneaks as Xavi lofts the ball towards his feet and Ran.The prince of Barca scored the opener. It was ecstasy, my voice was tearing the roof, Barca had scored the opener with and excellent assist from Xavi. The show was far from over, under 10 mins Man U found the gap in the Barca defense and Rooney scored for Man U. At that very moment the palpitation was slowly going down. Puyol was being missed so much, the match went steady again, both the teams had scored 1 each, it was surely an exuberant first half. I went in to deep meditation, my Man U friends were teasing the hell out of me but their word could not penetrate my phase. The entire 15 mins of break i only analyzed the first half and the mistakes Barca was making. Were they not pressing enough, the gaps were well guarded, the defense line was too much too handle or was it the mid field? Those 15 mins were the longest 15 mins i every had to spend. As soon as the second half started there was a weird sense of settlement in my mind that WHAT IF!!! Barca came out strong their one twos were so quick that not a single Man U fan could track them. They were all over the place, Left to Right Center to Diagonal, completely unstoppable and Under 10 mins the Great Boy Wonder our Spine, our angel our Messi took the greatest shot Man Kind could ever had seen,as it swung passed Van Der Sar towards the right side of the goal post, Barca were 2 up. I had completely blacked out, I saw my friend running towards to hug in joy, I could not recall any sound or anything it was like i had lost every voice in my body and my head was out of the roof, people say drugs give you a hallucination that channels you to an other dimension, meaning the cerebral cortex gets effected. Well Messi's goal was like a drug i recommend only the true Bluagranes. Barca had once again trampled a giant under there feet. It took another 15 min for Barca to seal the deal. A beautiful passing coordination between the tri facta and sergios pass to villa with a beautiful chip shot to the right corner of the goal. Villa had finished the game. Strategically every attacker scored and every mid fielder assisted. It was the game of the decade and Barca were a part of it. The greatest night had to come to an end, with Abidal lifting the cup after fighting the tumor was a show of courage and dedication. The team celebrated their fourth Champions League Trophy and made history. The manager Pep Guardiola have sealed his name as the elite. I as a part of the Barca could not express how i feel about my teams performance, but thank God to be alive to witness and be a part of the greatest football team the world had to offer. VIVA LA BARCA!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Exquisite Twin.

There are two types of people practical and book worms do survive because they like to play by the rules and like that easy life called 9-5 but then there are practicals they are visionaries, Devine in every aspect of life, their education is not from the school its learning to live every moment and here and there bend some rules...Moosa by dearest brother, i have seen you grown into someone so full of euphoria, a phenomenal and extremely practical person. We shared every moment, every memory and every mischievous habit to define a few....(well ill keep them to my self), but all in all cherish every moment i spend with you. You have not only been my friend but (ill give it to you) like an "elder brother" i have, we learned almost every thing together and were considered twins, all the fights we had even though i won most of I cherish those moment. I know words dont mean a lot to you but for now just accept them. Happy birthday brother Happy Birthday. When i came back for the first time from US it was not the time i spend with my ex or friends it was the time i spend with you that i miss the most...and I wish to have that moment again. Finally you really know how to carry make me proud masallah.

My Devine Shrine!

After experiencing every moment, every pass made, every goal scored and every cheer, BARCA BARCA!! I am still living this moment.

Barca completing six hundred passes in comparison to Madrid's one hundred was true sign of spectacular and empathic team performance. The moment the whistle blew and the game started my stance was sitting by the time Messi's first attempt on goal i could not sit, i was either jumping and cheering BARCA BARCA!! or running in the house screaming we did it!It was completely ecstatic. Being the only one in my friends circle and family to support Barca...(VIVA LA BARCA) I wore my jersey every work (inside my shirt), to school and social events.....Partially to rub it on their faces and to feel a proud Cule. I am so glad to be alive to witness such an auspicious day. Downloaded the entire match on HD, read every article related (defn hogged every post by totalbarca related to that day atleast once or twice) rubbed it on my madrid supporting friends and watched every highlight and every picture possible....still cannot get enough. This day will defn live for infinite. The person who amazed me was David Villa: even though its too early to accept him, Pedro: He is really making a mark, and Xavi : Well its Xavi: a player i dream to play like. The team was phenomenal in every way, the fans where ecstatic and me i am still hungover from the i guess i do have the symptoms Post El Clasico fever wishing there is no cure. Amazing thing happened though, while buying chinese food you have to pick a fortune cookie and it said : "Your lucky number for this week is 5" . so there you go what are the odds of it. For religious people there are many Devine shrines and worship places, for me Barca is not a team its a religion and Camp Nou is my Devine Shrine.

All in all a moment to remember and cherish, a moment that i was a part of and a moment that will never be forgotten....MY BARCA, MY TEAM, MY SOUL!!!