Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Exquisite Twin.

There are two types of people practical and book worms do survive because they like to play by the rules and like that easy life called 9-5 but then there are practicals they are visionaries, Devine in every aspect of life, their education is not from the school its learning to live every moment and here and there bend some rules...Moosa by dearest brother, i have seen you grown into someone so full of euphoria, a phenomenal and extremely practical person. We shared every moment, every memory and every mischievous habit to define a few....(well ill keep them to my self), but all in all cherish every moment i spend with you. You have not only been my friend but (ill give it to you) like an "elder brother" i have, we learned almost every thing together and were considered twins, all the fights we had even though i won most of I cherish those moment. I know words dont mean a lot to you but for now just accept them. Happy birthday brother Happy Birthday. When i came back for the first time from US it was not the time i spend with my ex or friends it was the time i spend with you that i miss the most...and I wish to have that moment again. Finally you really know how to carry make me proud masallah.

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