Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just by the Sanctuary...!

Ugarit a civilization, a religion, a palace, a culture, an Echo....a Sanctuary, a port to the most powerful sea right in the heart of the middle Earth....a sea that joins the three closet....Ugarit a story, a myth, a memory, the birth place of the oldest tune......a mystery that is still unsolved...a story that has not been heard....a chapter that has never been read.....Sorrow filled and the deceased passed....A History became Legend and the Legend became a myth.....Malik Jandali calls to all to feel, to understand, to extract, to give credit to the soul of tune....Malik Jandali explains a Kingdom with a Port: "Ugarit". By his fine composing and performance he tells the world about this beautiful Mystic Kingdom what it was known for....Tune: A comfort for the soul, a question to many answers, a feeling of many joys....a flow of a native....a passion of many religions, a truth no one follows....a desire being stopped....then i cry "let me listen to those words...they will give me what i want: knowledge of the world so beautiful and never made aware to me.......let me listen more and more what is Ugarit? I want to know please call me out and make me feel what it is and how it could make me feel free....was it abandoned? was abandoned, betrayed, destroyed....let me look at it again; a place full of mystery". Listen to what Malik Jandali plays and interpret your own feelings because that is what he told me to do..... :) Echoes of Ugarit.

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