Saturday, April 10, 2010

why I call my self a Blugrana......

Being a part of culture that does not follow football that much....i started following football the moment i played my first game. FIFA 1998. At that time one would basically follow the main country Brazil or Italy or Argentina. After knowing what is beyond that i started discovering the real world of football. It was amazing, a collection of super talented players in one team. As my dad say league is something u would love all ur life and it will keep entertaining u till the end. It was 1998 when i started following the EPL as it was a league that most people talked about.I supported Manchester United as they would win everything. The moments passed and knowledge developed about how league works and what other leagues exist. 2004 i clearly remember when i started watching Barca play...the TV would show there matches really late at night so i would miss most of them. 2005/06 season was the biggest turning point in becoming a Barca fan...Exams just got over and it was late at night when Barca vs Arsenal CL was aired..The win changed every thing..I felt more like a Blugrana then ever..My friends and family still stuck with the idea that EPL is better i decided to be different, Life has never been better...with every passing moment I pray to God for Barca and the victories it will see. The Heart and Soul are now completely Blue and Red with out doubt. and since that time havent missed a single match......Blugrana for Life.

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